News News Blog

Flyer to Print Bi-Weekly, Offers Home Delivery

Memphis Flyer

We hope you are holding up okay in these challenging times. More than ever, we’re grateful for you — for your readership, your support of our mission, and your individual contributions to helping make Memphis safe, sane, and vibrant.

We wanted to make you aware of an upcoming change to the Flyer’s print frequency, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. We will be temporarily publishing a print edition of the Flyer every other week, rather than every week.

This decision was made as a middle-ground solution, allowing us to continue sharing news and information with you both in print and online — while also facing the fact that Memphis is in a very different era than it was only a few short weeks ago. Many of our distribution points have been closed, as non-essential businesses; many of our readers are staying home as much as they possibly can. We are also taking this measure, in part, as a means to reduce our own expenditures to accommodate understandable dips in revenue.

Fortunately, we do distribute the Flyer in a number of local businesses that are on the “essential” list, and we continue to offer many strong distribution points. We’ve shared an updated distribution map on our website (click here to view).

We will print the April 2nd issue of the Flyer. Our next print issue after April 2nd will be April 16th, and we will proceed on a biweekly schedule thereafter. We plan to reevaluate our status and the community’s status in June, and to consider ramping back up to a weekly schedule at that time.


We are also offering a new option to you: home delivery(!). We’ll mail a copy of each print paper to you for just $5 per month — enough to cover our costs. If you’d like the Flyer to come to your mailbox, please call (901) 521-9000 or email

We are here for you now. And we will be here for you when we can all resume the normal courses of our everyday lives.

This, too, shall pass. No one knows exactly when — but if we know anything about Memphis, it’s that this city is full of resilient people. We’ll make it through this together.

Please feel welcome to reach out with any questions or ideas. We’re here for you. In the meantime, please be well, and take care.

With best wishes,

Anna Traverse Fogle
CEO, Contemporary Media, Inc.