
Flyer’s Memphis Music Foundation Story Draws Fire

The Flyer‘s September 13th cover story on the Memphis Music Foundation/Commission has drawn fire from local musicians. From this week’s “Letters to the Editor”: “Dean Deyo is quoted as saying, ‘We create talent.’ The Memphis Music Foundation creates talent? Whew. Examples, please …

The Flyer‘s September 13th cover story on the Memphis Music Foundation/Commission has drawn fire from local musicians. From this week’s “Letters to the Editor”: “Dean Deyo is quoted as saying, ‘We create talent.’ The Memphis Music Foundation creates talent? Whew. Examples, please?

“It’s also reported that he ‘has entered negotiations to bring an independent recording studio to Memphis’ and bargain for tax breaks in the effort. Excuse me, but wouldn’t Ardent, Young Avenue Sound, Royal Recording, Sam Phillips Recording, Cotton Row Recording, and countless other Memphis independent recording studios like to have tax breaks too?

“Musicians I know shake their heads in dismay and disgust at such big plans to tie ‘economic development’ to the ‘music industry.’ We’re kind of used to hearing it by now …”

Read more letters. And write your own to