Businesses across Memphis have different ways of giving back during the holiday season, but these four organizations will accept toy donations. All four locations require that donations are new and unwrapped.
The Memphis Police Association holds its toy drive every year in early December, but they will be accepting toys and monetary donations for special needs children of any age at its office location until December 12th. Toys most needed are for children ages 11 to 14.
628 Jefferson
Oasis of Hope, a faith-based organization in North Memphis, has a pop-up store that sells discounted toys to families in the neighborhood, who may not be able to afford full prices during Christmas. The community store, a part of Oasis Appliance, Bike Shop, and SweeT-Shirt, will accept toy donations for children of all ages from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until December 14th.
1294 N. Thomas
Stop the Hurt, Start the Healing Foundation, an organization that aims to continue Michael Jackson’s mission of healing the world, is having its fifth annual toy drive at Walmart in Raleigh from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. The drive will benefit Hope House, an organization that provides help for children who have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Toys for children of all ages are needed.
3950 Austin Peay
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital is not doing a holiday toy drive, but accepts toys throughout the year for patients. Toys for children ages 13 to 15 are especially needed. Donations can be dropped off during business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
850 Poplar, Building 2