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friday, 11

There’s yet more theater tonight. The Most Fabulous Story Ever told opens at Circuit Playhouse and examined what it would have been like if the first people in the Garden of Eden had been named Adam and Steve. Cherry Does, a play about a Jewish lawyer and a neo-Nazi skinhead, opens at Theater works. and Glengarry glen Ross, the disturbing story of a group of down-an-dout real estate salesmen, opens at Sleeping Cat Studio in its new home at 655 Marshall avenue. and here are several art openings tonight. They are at: Java Cabana for “Secrets Lost in Stone,” photographs by John Bingham; Rhodes College’s Clough-Hanson Gallery for “Anything But,” works by Diane Hoffman; Perry Nicole Fine Art for “Relating to the Absract,” works by David Baird, Andree Carter, Ron Strong, Evert Witte, Lisa Weiss, Samm Peters, and Mary Reed; and David Lusk Galllery for “This Vision,” works by Anne Siems. Later, Too Tall Jones and The Internationals ae at the Hard Rock Cafe. and dow- in tunica, Jeffrey Osborne opens a two0night gig at Gold Strike Casino.