News The Fly-By


A recent e-mail to the Flyer alerted us to — well, we re not sure exactly, but clearly, somebody is upset about something, and it looks like those pesky Monarchists are causing trouble again. At least, we think so:

“All else has failed in Ray Halbritter s cover-up; so now, as many other Monarchists have done in the past, he has called in the spin doctors. When documented evidence prevails he then changes direction. This is no longer declared a forced removal. The deck is stacked against him, so in desperation he now turns to family ties. This is a simple family squabble.

“No, Ray! This is a challenge and defiance to your self-appointed Monarchy. You lost the option of claiming kinship when you denounced the traditional government and Clan Mother. DNA does not make you family. At least not your distorted version. Nor does gender actually make you a man in the strongest sense of the word.

“Material possessions are the simplest things to acquire, but you own only one thing of importance in your lifetime. That is and always will be your name and how it will be remembered and the acts it will be associated with. Your legacy. What you pass down to your children. Well, we all know the ending to that story. No doubt you will be up there with many infamous figures such as Fidel Castro, Adolph [sic] Hitler, and Dicky Wilson, to name a few.”

Dicky Wilson??