Politics Politics Feature

GADFLY: The Courts will Judge Bush

Never send to ask for whom the bell tolls. Ask who’s holding the gavel.

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As the
tooth-gnashing in the halls of Congress continues over the revelation that the
Bush administration violated the black letter prohibition of engaging in

warrantless surveillance
the final word in this debacle will obviously be issued, as it always is in
Constitutional crises, by the judicial system.  The political process will wind
its painfully slow way towards the revelation of the truth about this breach of
the law, with hearings that will be hamstrung by partisan bickering, posturing
for the C-Span and nightly news show cameras and chest thumping by the usual
apologists for an administration run amok. 


The party in power
cannot be expected, in spite of the courage of some of its members, notably

Arlen Specter
, to show the
political will to hold the president accountable for his unlawful conduct.  If
it had that will, it would

call for a special counsel
investigate the president’s secret program. In the meantime, the truth will come
out in the marble-lined federal courtrooms of our country, beginning with the
one occupied by the court which was legislatively delegated the duty of
overseeing the process of approving surveillance activities.


court has already been wracked by the scandal, with

the resignation of one of its judges in

protest over the revelations that its authority was disregarded with impunity. 
That court

has scheduled a session
which it will be briefed by the administration about the whys and wherefores of
its extra-judicial activities.  The judges of the

court will want to know whether any of the warrants it did approve were tainted
by the administration’s program of end-around surveillance, but also why the
administration thought it could ignore the court and the law which created it. 


Remember that,

presidents only serve four year terms
but federal judges are

appointed for life
.  In the
battle of tenure, the judges win, hands down, and it is precisely because of the
independence that gives them that they feel comfortable taking on the
occasionally power hungry executive branch of our government.  If it’s “
nice to fool Mother Nature
believe me, it’s a lot less nice to try to fool a federal judge.


If the government
cannot convince the
court that it had the authority to go around it, or worse, that it didn’t base
any of its warrant requests on evidence tainted by

surveillance, the administration faces the daunting prospect of having sanctions
imposed on it by the court, including referrals to the

Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility

(that department’s internal ethics
monitor), contempt citations against the individual members of the executive
branch and of the justice department who abused their authority, and even
criminal charges, including perjury, for executing false affidavits required for
the issuance of those tainted warrants. 


The Court has
already shown a lack of tolerance for government shenanigans when it severely
criticized the FBI for filing misleading

applications in 75 cases in

a case reported in 2002

And, as has already been foreshadowed,

other courts will be asked to perform inquiries

into the use of tainted evidence from
surveillance by defendants in a whole host of prosecutions, which may result in
some being abandoned and even in convictions being overturned.    


It is well to remember that previous
abuses by presidential administrations were first brought to light, or at least
their discovery facilitated, by the judicial process.  Nixon’s downfall was
catalyzed by the decisions of a

courageous federal judge
“Maximum John” Sirica, who rejected Nixon’s assertion that “executive privilege”
immunized him from having to comply with a federal grand jury subpoena, a
decision that was

ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court
And of course, had it not been for the Supreme Court’s decision in

Jones v. Clinton
allowed Paula Jones’ suit against the President to proceed, Clinton might not
have ever had to deal with the meaning of the word “is.”

One of the most
significant constitutional confrontations in history between the legislative and
executive branches of government, and in many ways the spitting image of the one
fomented by the current administration, occurred in 1952, when President Truman
sought to nationalize the steel industry during the Korean War, claiming he had
the “inherent” authority to do so as president and commander in chief, in what
was an end-around the

Taft-Hartley Act
, Congress’
prescribed manner for resolving labor disputes.  Congress had explicitly
rejected a seizure provision when it considered that law (just as the

current Congress rejected including domestic surveillance

when it considered giving Bush the
authority to use force against al


Supreme Court disagreed with Truman
and in a strongly worded concurring opinion, , Justice Robert Jackson uttered
these now-prophetic words:


the President takes measures incompatible with the expressed or implied will of
Congress, his power is at its lowest ebb, for then he can rely only upon his own
constitutional powers minus any constitutional powers of Congress over the
Courts can sustain
exclusive Presidential control in such a case only by disabling the Congress
from acting upon the subject
Presidential claim to a power at once so conclusive and preclusive must be
scrutinized with caution, for what is at stake is the equilibrium established by
our constitutional system. [emphasis supplied]


Responding to the
argument, similar to the one Bush makes (the “war on terrorism”), that Truman’s
actions were in reaction to exigent circumstances (i.e., the Korean war),
Justice Jackson dismissed that argument as follows:


opinions of judges, no less than executives and publicists, often suffer the
infirmity of
confusing the
issue of a power’s validity with the cause it is invoked to promote
of confounding the permanent executive office with its temporary occupant. The
tendency is strong to emphasize transient results upon policies-such as wages or
stabilization-and lose sight of enduring consequences upon the balanced power
structure of our Republic. [emphasis supplied]


So let the games in the halls of Congress begin, but in the meantime, keep your
eye on the halls of the federal judiciary, because that’s where the issue of the
effect of and responsibility for extra-judicial, warrantless surveillance by
Bush and his cronies will be decided first.

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