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Garner Recovery Fund Surpasses Goal in One Day

Go Fund Me

Paul Garner

More than 130 people raised more than $5,000 in one day to help a Memphis man pay for medical and other expenses related to his intervention in a fiery suicide at a local bar.

Paul Garner, a Memphis activist and organizing coordinator for the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center, tried to stop Jared McLemore from lighting himself on fire at Murphy’s on Saturday, May 13.

McLemore doused himself in kerosene, entered the bar, and lit himself on fire in an attempt to kill himself and injure others. Garner was hospitalized for second and third degree burns for his attempt to stop McLemore.

A Go Fund Me page to aid Garner’s recovery was launched by his sister, Susan Garner, with a goal of raising $5,000. In one day, 133 people had donated $5,430.

“Paul sustained second and third degrees burn on his legs,” Garner’s sister said on the Go Fund Me page. “He has asked for nothing for himself and has used the attention he has received to advocate for victims of domestic abuse.

“We recently found out he has a $3,000 deductible on his health insurance and is incurring other expenses as well during his recovery. We are setting this up to help ease his burden some.”