“I’m beginning to wonder if I shouldn’t have somebody come in and burn some sage to lift the curse,” joked Brent Davis, a few days back. Davis, GCT’s executive producer has been guiding the tiny playhouse through some turbulence, of late. Dixie Swim Club‘s opening was postponed when the theater was forced to shut down temporarily to make necessary repairs. Then Jo Lynne Palmer, one of Memphis’s favorite character actresses, suffered a small stroke and had to be replaced after only one performance of The Fantasticks. Now Kent Fleshman, El Gallo in the ongoing production of The Fantasticks, has been sidelined due to illness.
“I’m starting to call this ‘The Little Show that Could,” Davis said. When we spoke on the phone this afternoon Fantasticks director Andy Saunders was working with Paul Hoover, a senior at Germantown High, who recently played El Gallo at Poplar Pike Playhouse. “Paul is already off book. Were so lucky that he was close by, and willing to do this,” Davis added.
As of our most recent conversation there was still some possibility that Thursday’s show would be cancelled, but Davis seemed confident that it would not. Still, if you have reservations, it might be best to check your messages before you head to the theater tonight.
They say “The show must go on,” but it’s not always true. Last week Circuit Playhouse had to cancel two performances of Grey Gardens when Carla McDonald became ill.
UPDATE: Thursday’s show has been cancelled.