If you send out holiday cards and think $15 per card is a little pricey, think of the price paid by a city with so many citizens struggling with illiteracy. Literacy Mid-South, which works to improve and promote reading among Mid-Southerners of all ages, is more than aware of the price paid. And here’s where you come in.
The staff and volunteers at Literacy Mid-South are ready to handle your holiday card list — and gift list too. You donate the $15 per card. Literacy Mid-South does the rest — from the hand-written envelope to postage to mailing. All proceeds go directly to Literacy Mid-South’s programs. Any questions? Contact Erica Nason at 901-327-6000 ext. 1000 or at enason@literacymidsouth.org. Go to literacymidsouth.org with your list of names and addresses. You have until December 16th.
Each card carries the greeting: “Treat yourself this Holiday Season. Read a good book.” And each card comes with the added message: “A holiday gift was made in your name by [donor’s name] to serve more than 120,000 Memphians struggling with illiteracy.”
See? You don’t even have to sign.