Memphis Gaydar News

GLAAD Media Workshop in Nashville


The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) will host a workshop in Nashville this weekend aimed at helping LGBT organizations work more effectively with the media. The event will be held at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church (419 Woodland) from 10 a.m. to noon, and will be led by GLAAD’s Daryl Hannah. It’s sponsored by the Tennessee Equality Project.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

* Learn about media opportunities you or your organization can use to expand your base and get your message to your target audience
* Create a communications plan you can use to move public opinion about your issues
* Develop a media vocabulary so you can speak clearly and effectively with journalists
* Build relationships with media professionals
* Become a resource for media outlets
* Learn simple, consistent ways to develop talking points you can shape for different media outlets
* Learn how to write press releases, op-eds, letters to the editor and other kinds of communication with the media
* Get comfortable with print, television and radio interviews

The workshop is recommended for leaders of LGBT organizations like Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), gay-straight alliances, pride organizations, community centers, chambers of commerce, and churches.

For more information (or to register), check out this post on TEP’s Grand Divisions Blog.