Saturday night’s Shelby GOP Master Meal at Homebuilders in Cordova included a fund-raising “auction” of political celebrities (here, mayoral candidate George Flinn and Senate candidate Lamar Alexander). Yes, folks, we know there are alternative possibilities for captions. You cynics out there can just provide them at will. We’ll keep to the high road.

Ensembles: Congressional candidate Brent Taylor shared his rostrum time with son Gage; Towhead sons Field Norris (left) and Chad Blackburn have in common, besides the haircut, a college affiliation (Ole Miss) and the fact that a parent (State Senators Mark Norris and Marsha Blackburn, respectively) aspires to Congress.

StateSen. Blackburn watched politely as rival Norris’ campaign video, featuring endorsements from Shelby County suburban mayors, rolled via VHS; meanwhile, Norris and County Register Tom Leatherwood came to an apparent meeting of minds.