Beyond the Arc Sports

Griz Roundup: Lottery Party, Mayo Controversy, Heisley Dissed, Etc.

The Grizzlies offseason gets rolling next Tuesday with the NBA’s rookie draft lottery. The Grizzlies are slotted 6th right now, with a 7.5% chance of winning the lottery. Until then, a quick wrap-up of various news items surrounding the team:

Lottery Watch Party: I don’t make it a habit of using this space to publicize the team’s marketing events, but I’ll promote Tuesday’s lottery watch party a the Poplar & Highland location of Buffalo Wild Wings for a very good reason: I’ll be there. The Chris Vernon Show will be broadcasting live from Buffalo Wild Wings from 3 to 6 p.m. My normal appearance slot on the show is in the 5 p.m. hour, but I’ll probably be hanging around for most of the show, on-air or off. After the show, the whole crew, myself included, will be hanging out to watch the lottery and then commiserate afterwards when the Griz end up sliding down the 7th pick. We’ve all seen this movie before — we know how it ends.