
Guy Sebastian’s “Memphis” Album Is Actually Good

Fans of this site know that on weekends and holidays, we tend to get, uh, less “news” directed.

A few weeks ago, we became enamored with a story about Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian’s sojourn here to record an album with some legendary Memphis musicians …

Fans of this website know that on weekends and holidays, we tend to get, um, less “news” directed.

A few weeks ago, we became enamored with a story about Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian’s sojourn here to record an album with some legendary Memphis musicians.

Well, the album is out now and we decided to see what it sounded like, so off we went to Guy’s website. There’s a nice montage of videoclips of the Bluff City and samples from the songs. We were somewhat surprised (being cynical Memphians) to discover that the little sonofagun can really sing. He nails these tunes.

Sebastian is currently touring Australia with Memphis legends Steve Cropper, Duck Dunn, Lester Snell and Steve Potts.

Check it out. (And yes, we know we’ll get a zillion website hits from Australia. Hey, it’s Thanksgiving. Traffic is traffic, you turkeys.)