The Wrong Again Gallery will close its second season Halloween night, Wednesday, October 31, 8-10 p.m. with TART by Ramona Sonin. (Be sure to dress warm. The show is inside but the garage door will be open.)
Sonin currently lives in Venice, California, where she maintains her studio and teaches at the CA Institute of Art. She received her MFA from the University of Memphis in 1998. She was kind enough to answer of couple of questions of mine via email. Here is that exchange.
Dwayne Butcher: There is a close similarity between the figures in this work and you. Would you consider these self-portraits? Or were you simply the first model available when working on these pieces?
Ramona Sonin: I love this question… Yes, I was the only one around when I was trying to contort my body in the mirror for exaggerated poses. (I have hurt my back on several occasions and fallen off of my Louboutins.) But, of course I can not deny that parts of me are in my girls….but they are SO much more than me…look at that hair! If only I could get mine to those heights! If only I could afford their clothing and walk languidly down the street in those shoes and carrying those firearms.