In 2011, 123 infants in Shelby County died during their first year of life, according to the Shelby County Health Department. This number is significantly lower than the 190 infants who passed away nearly a decade earlier in 2002.
The Health Department has introduced a new mobile app, B4BabyLife, to continue the reduction of infant mortality in Shelby County. Anyone with an Android or iPhone can download the app for free and instantly receive access to information and resources that will help guide families before, during, and after pregnancy.
“We decided that we wanted to utilize social media and the use of mobile devices as we continue to reduce infant mortality here in Shelby County,” said Elizabeth Hart, spokeswoman for the health department. “One of the things that we found best would be the mobile app. It gives individuals the information and resources at their fingertips. And it’s not just for mothers; it’s for everybody.”
Some of the features that the app offers include access to local resources, tips on ways fathers can help, and prenatal, safe sleep, and family planning information. The app also provides ladies with tips on how to stay healthy before and between pregnancies.
B4BabyLife is available for free download from Android and iPhone app stores.