There is no joy in Grizzville these days. The team is sleep-walking through one loss after another. There’s no fire, no grit, no grind. Sports-talk shows are filled with the wails of dispirited fans; sports pundits bemoan the team’s lack of effort, the coach’s substitution patterns, his motivational abilities, and even his wardrobe.
What can be done? Are Memphians doomed to six more months of this agony? Must we get used to losing to the Raptors and Bobcats and Wizards at home? Are we lottery bound?
I say HELL, NO! All this team and its fans and its players and its coach need is a good pep talk. Like this one. Listen as the music swells; turn it up; take it in… We’re not done yet. Dammit.
Feel better? I thought so. And there’s nine more like it where that came from.