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Herenton Files Papers With FEC to Make Congressonal Race Official

7e5e/1244759787-herenton.jpgMayor Willie Herenton took a major step toward making his 2010 race against 9th District congressman Steve Cohen a reality Thursday with the following announcement, emailed to area news outlets from a address:

Willie W. Herenton, Mayor of the City of Memphis, has Federal Expressed to the Federal Election Commission his FEC Form 2 Statement of Candidacy to officially start his campaign for the United States House of Representatives Ninth District 2010 Congressional race.

Herenton’s action, coming on the heels of news that former congressman Harold Ford Sr. is hosting two big-ticket funcraisers for Cohen, was an apparent sign of the mayor’s resolve to run whatever the obstacles might be. The filing — which indicates, among other things, whether a candidate intends to spend his own money — is required within 15 days of a candidate’s announcement that he has formed a committee and intends to run for a federal elecrtive position.