

Mayor, calling himself a “lightning rod,” disses media and says he’ll do a fiscal fix by July.

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In a low-key “state of the city” address, Mayor Willie
Herenton said city government’s fiscal problems are a “short-term situation”
that will be fixed in 2006.


“I as your mayor must govern the city operations with
greater efficiency,” Herenton told a luncheon gathering of the Kiwanis Club at
The Peabody. The turnout of about 150 members and guests was much smaller than
in previous years when Herenton spoke at prayer breakfasts on New Year’s Day.


Herenton took questions from the audience but not from
the media. He plans to hold a press conference Thursday.


The mayor, who is starting his 15th year in office, said
he and his staff met financial projections for 13 years before 2005, when the
reserve fund fell to $3 million and the city’s bond rating was reduced. He
promised to restore fiscal health by reducing police and fire department
overtime, coaxing pension concessions from unions, and halting new capital
construction. He will also push to have some city and county government
operations merged, although ahe admitted full consolidation will not happen while
he is mayor.

“I am a lightning rod,” he said.


He did not criticize members of the Memphis City Council
as he has in previous years. No council members were seen in attendance.
Herenton reiterated that he plans to run for reelection in 2007.

Herenton told the
group to “look
beyond the distortions and exaggerations of the Memphis media.”
He singled out The
Commercial Appeal

for criticism, calling an editorial urging him to give up on consolidation
notable for its

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