Sports Sports Feature


Grizzly forward Pau Gasol scored a game-high and career-high 32 points and collected 14 rebounds in the win.

A lackluster Houston Rockets squad met a hot Memphis Grizzlies squad on Friday night in front of an announced 14,000 fans at the Pyramid.

Grizzlies forward Pau Gasol led the squad with a career effort. Gasol scored a game-high and career-high 32 points. Gasol also pulled down a game high 14 rebounds in the win. Also for the Grizzlies, guard Jason Williams scored 23 points, and handed out 16 assists. Forward Shane Battier scored 21 points, and pulled down 10 rebounds to round out the Grizzlies scoring. Forward Stromile Swift ended the game with 10 rebounds.

“Our guys played excellent defense and moved the ball offensively. We really kept our composure,” said Grizzlies head coach Sidney Lowe after the game. “It was Jason finding Pau. [Pau] ran the floor well. He just knew that if got open, Jason would find him.”

For the Houston Rockets, guard Steve Francis led the way with 22 points, and also nine rebounds. Also for the Rockets, guard Cuttino Mobley scored 17 points, forward Eddie Griffin scored 11 points, and forward Dan Langhi scored 10 points.

The Grizzlies travel to Washington DC to face the Wizards, and then return to the Pyramid on Tuesday, April 9 to face the Denver Nuggets at 7 p.m.