Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Humans of the Commercial Appeal: Bad Photoshop Edition

Not to pile on or sound like a broken record, but what the heck is going on with the CA‘s art department?

As if the new digital formatting errors weren’t weird enough, check out the photoshop job on this picture illustrating a story that’s supposed to be about window ordinances, I think, but is mostly about how Otherlands has big awesome windows that you can look into and out of and see things like customers gazing into their laptops or pedestrians designed by M.C. Escher.

Here’s a detail of the full image.


Here’s a larger detail.


And an even bigger detail. It looks like the window line has been warped too.


An excerpt from the story:

“Customers inside Otherlands on a recent morning could observe through the coffee shop’s eight-foot-tall front windows a young mother in a white Nissan SUV stopped in a no-parking spot at the front curb. She wore sunglasses and a wedding ring as she twisted behind her gray-cloth seat to tend to a young child and baby. The little episode was an insignificant but mildly entertaining distraction for shop patrons gazing out onto Cooper.”

My, that does sound mildly entertaining, doesn’t it. Go windows!

UPDATE: It gets even weirder.

The CA‘s print edition doesn’t just feature this crazy photo. Someone’s biographical Facebook update appears to be embedded in the middle of the story. Here’s a photo of the copy in question. The weirdness begins about halfway through the sixth full paragraph.

Somebodys got some splainin to do.

  • Somebody’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.

Everything’s fine until you get to the line, “Long status update.”



Romenesko also noticed.