No matter what you’re jokingly calling it online (Icemageddon) or you’re simply calling it Winter Storm Cleon like the Weather Channel, preparations are underway in Shelby County to handle the expected effects of winter weather headed toward Memphis.
Local emergency officials met Thursday afternoon to ensure all responding agencies are prepared for the ice and freezing rain expected early Friday morning.
“Emergency services coordinators have reviewed their responsibilities and are prepared,” Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell said in a statement. “Director Bob Nations and his staff at the Shelby County Office of Preparedness are in constant contact with the National Weather Service and the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency.”
Temperatures are predicted to drop below freezing by Friday morning, making driving Friday “almost impossible,” the statement said.
“The ice could snap power lines and tree limbs making roads impassable,” Nations said. “We could also have power outages. However, our emergency services coordinators are ready to respond to our Emergency Operations Center.”
Shelby County Public Works director Tom Needham said trucks are spread throughout the county to spread roads with a mixture of salt and cinders.
Memphis Light Gas & Water has advised residents to call (901) 544-6500 to report power outages. Call MLGW’s emergency line at (901) 528-4465 to report a downed power line. Follow power updates at MLGW’s website, www.mlgw.com, follow them on Twitter at @mlgw or like them on Facebook.
Follow ice storm conversations and news on Twitter with the hashtags #memice or #memstorm. Also, check
the Shelby County Office of Preparedness page on Facebook or at www.staysafeshelby.us.