News News Feature


“U.S. officials fear what they call the ‘Elvis scenario,’ that he may already be dead but there’s no way to prove it and he’ll live on forever as a martyr in myth” — NBC’s Jim Miklaszeweski on bin Laden (“Nightly News,” 12/17). All right. This is going too far. The Evildoer has now caused scurrilous comparisons to the most famous Memphian of them all. Now it’s really time to take him out!

“U.S. officials fear what they call the ‘Elvis scenario,’ that he may already be dead but there’s no way to prove it and he’ll live on forever as a martyr in myth” — NBC’s Jim Miklaszeweski on bin Laden (“Nightly News,” 12/17). All right. This is going too far. The Evildoer has now caused scurrilous comparisons to the most famous Memphian of them all. Now it’s really time to take him out!