Sports Sports Feature

Is Frank Broyles Out at the University of Arkansas?

The Arkansas Times is reporting “big doings are afoot in Fayetteville” regarding 82-year-old University of Arkansas athletic director Frank Broyles …

The Arkansas Times is reporting “big doings are afoot in Fayetteville” regarding 82-year-old University of Arkansas athletic director Frank Broyles:

“There’s a reason for the special University of Arkansas Board of Trustees meeting in Fayetteville Saturday morning and it’s not because an emergency attaches to a handful of property transactions.

“The executive session slotted on the agenda is not listed as a matter of routine. Here’s the deal:

“There is now a growing consensus — among administration, major donors, Board of Trustees — that it is time for Frank Broyles, 82, to retire as athletic director at the University of Arkansas.

Read the full Arkansas Times story.