Politics Politics Beat Blog

It’s Campaign Time Again!

With the weather warming and with the plague executing a semi-graceful withdrawal, it is suddenly time, even in this non-election year, for political events to start sprouting publicly.

Fundraisers and announcements are both in the offing:

*Linda Harris recently became the first official aspirant for the job of District Attorney General. A Democrat with a lengthy resume in the legal workplace, Harris has been a police officer, a prosecutor in the Western District of Tennessee, and a law clerk to the late federal Judge Jerome Turner. She has taken a twirl or two in the political arena before, is now working as an independent conflict resolution mediator, and is now determined to unseat the Republican incumbent, Amy Weirich, who is sure to have the full support of the GOP network behind her.

* Criminal Court Clerk Heidi Kuhn, a Democrat, will be seeking reelection and will effectively launch her campaign on June 6th with a $250-a-head fundraiser at Neil’s Music Room on Quince Road. Her invitation to the event doesn’t list many Republican names as such (if any), but it is chock-full of Democratic names, and eminent ones at that. Both mayors, numerous other ranking officials, and well-known donors long associated with winning causes. Whatever Republican ends up taking her on had better get started soon.

*County trustee Regina Morrison Newman is also seeking reelection and is about to be honored at a fundraising shindig on June 17 at the home of Aubrey Howard on South Rainbow Drive. She, too, is being backed by an enormous number of eminences, and she, took, is expected to have a smooth, well-running campaign.

*More to come, and soon.