Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

“It’s Cold,” Area Woman Says


Cordova resident Wendy Eubecha provided a valuable service to her neighbors and friends by informing them via Facebook that they “[b]etter bundle up! It’s cold, ya’ll!”

Grateful readers of this update flooded Eubecha’s page with comments filled with thanks, affirmations regarding the temperature, and a few “LOL”‘s and, in some cases, smiley faces.

“I’m really glad I can help people out,” Eubecha said. “If I didn’t mention this, then some folks might end up being real chilly!”

Eubecha indicated that this morning’s status update was part of a multistage plan that will include an Instagram of her dashboard temperature reading to verify her findings and an analysis on her blog of how today’s low temperatures disprove global warming once and for all. She will also utilize her Twitter account throughout the day to update people on her observations on the cold conditions.

“I may also post a picture of hot chocolate,” Eubecha added. “Just to mix things up a little.”

Joey Hack is a regular Fly on the Wall contributor, and is a member of the Wiseguys improv troupe.