Larry Kuzniewski
Jeff Green will be back in Beale Street Blue next season.
In a move that isn’t all that surprising, Yahoo! Sports’ Adrian Wojnarowski reported that Jeff Green has picked up his $9.2 million player option for next season:
Memphis Grizzlies forward Jeff Green has picked up his $9.2M player option for 2015-’16, passing on free agency, league sources tell Yahoo.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojYahooNBA) June 18, 2015
There was a good bit of speculation about whether Green would really opt in or not, but it seems that he felt (probably correctly) that he’d make the most money staying with the Grizzlies next season. Now we get to begin (while Marc Gasol Watch 2015 rages on) speculating about whether Green will still be on the Griz roster at the start of the season, and if he is (which I think is likely) whether he’ll be traded by the 2016 trade deadline (which I also think is probably likely).
I don’t feel like getting into the pros and cons of Green on the Grizzlies next year; it’s become too much of a religious war for me to even feel like participating in the discussion at the moment. That time will come. For now, Green is going to be on the team for next year, and he’ll take up $9.2 million of salary unless/until they can deal him.
That said, comment sections are made for things like this. Feel free to rage or exult about this development below; Jeff Green is quite the polarizing figure among Grizzlies fans as of late.