Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Jerry Lawler Suspended from WWE Following Domestic Incident

He said…

Cue “Also Sprach Zarathustra”

Did he hit her? Did she kick him in the groin? And who put the pistol on the counter?
Jerry Lawler, the 66-year-old King of Memphis wrasslin‘ has been suspended indefinitely  from the WWE, pending the outcome of a domestic assault arrest. Lawler and his 27-year-old fiancee Lauryn McBride were both taken into custody early Friday morning following a violent encounter at Lawler’s East Memphis residence. 

She said…

According to reports fire was thrown. Well, a candle, anyway

Lawler, whose feud with comedian Andy Kaufman helped to popularize professional sports entertainment — AKA wrasslin’ — recently opened a club on Beale Street. His likeness — or something like his likeness — also appears on Overton Square, as a photo opportunity for visitors. 

King of Overton Square, Ma!

Lawler was arrested once before for bad behavior following a traffic violation.