“… let me mention a dinner party I attended about two months ago here in Washington. The honoree was John Negroponte. He was then the director of national intelligence. He was there to receive an environmental award.
“It was very interesting because in anticipation of his remarks, word slipped through the crowd he was not allowed to utter the words ‘global warming,’ at least not in the same sentence. Apparently, he was allowed to say the word ‘global’ in a separate sentence, and ‘warming’ in a separate sentence, but not together. So it became a little parlor game during his remarks, to see how closely he would fit the words ‘global’ and ‘warming’ and not incur the wrath of the White House.”
The foregoing anecdote comes from Nashville Congressman Jim Cooper during a hearing for the House Committee for Oversight and Government Reform. Not much we can add to such madness, except to suggest you watch it on video.