“This Christmas season, Justin Timberlake spent his holiday at home in Tennessee, surrounded by his close-knit family, including mom (and one-time manager) Lynn, stepfather Paul Harless and his two younger half-brothers. Cameron Diaz, his girlfriend since 2003, went skiing in Vail, Colorado, staying at the Vail Mountain Resort & Spa, with her family.
“Separate vacations? At this time of year? What’s the reason? Sources say the glamorous duo, who have gone on many vacations together in the past, went their separate ways after Justin decided that his days with Cam were numbered. And on December 23, as he partied with friends in Senses nightclub in Memphis, a source says Justin told fellow revelers: ‘Me and Cameron? We’re done.'”
OMGWTF!? Yes, according to BricksandStones.Blogspot,it’s ovah for JT and Cameron.
The myriad details in this story – the old girlfriend, P.F. Chang’s, Senses suggest an official publicist’s leak. So maybe it really is over and JT will be spending more time in Millington with his old Memphis flame.
We’re getting all tingly just thinking about it. But somebody needs to tell that boy where to go to find good Chinese.