News The Fly-By


Memphis’ hottest superstar, Justin Timberlake of the boy band ‘NSync, turns 21 on January 31, 2002. Timberlake, who recently made the cover of YM, a prestigious journal aimed at 13-year-old girls, has chronicled 21 things he would like to do before reaching that milestone. Showing a humanitarian streak, Timberlake says he wants to “inspire people” and “make a difference in the world.” Showing a sensitive streak, he says he wants to “thanks my teachers,” “thank my mom for being so cool,” and “say I love you” to people that he loves. Showing a mischievous streak, Justin says he wants to toilet-paper people’s houses and “hang with the boys.” But, according to YM, what is the number-one thing Justin Timberlake wants to do before turning 21? Why,” get good hair,” of course.