Opinion Viewpoint

Keep HOPE Alive

Since becoming a state senator in 1982, one of my

primary legislative goals was to permit Tennesseans to

vote on a state lottery. The struggle to accomplish this

goal was often lonely and discouraging as the process

to amend our state Constitution is one of the most difficult in

the nation. However, my constituents as well as citizens from

across the state never stopped encouraging me to persevere so

they could vote on their Constitution.

Because Tennesseans never gave up, I never gave up.

On November 5th, the people spoke and changed our state

Constitution to permit the General Assembly to create a

lottery. Although it was the culmination of two decades of

work and the most gratifying legislative victory of my career,

the real work began on November 6th.

The formation of a lottery corporation is the equivalent

of building a Fortune 500 company from scratch.

Representative Chris Newton (R-Cleveland), the House sponsor of the

constitutional referendum and the sponsor of the lottery

legislation, and I are committed to ensuring that Tennessee has the

best lottery in the nation, well-run and above reproach.

To that end we have stated, throughout the

legislative process and the campaign to pass the referendum,

that Tennessee’s lottery and HOPE scholarship program

would be patterned on Georgia’s, which is the nation’s flagship

lottery and scholarship program.

As is always the case when money is involved, all

quarters are heard from. It is perfectly understandable

that every legislator, school administrator, and parent

would want to do what is best for their constituents,

school, and child, respectively. However, the General

Assembly must be fiscally conservative in establishing standards

for the lottery scholarships to assure that we have not

promised what cannot be delivered.

To understand how such can be successfully done,

we need look no farther than Georgia. When

Georgia’s HOPE scholarship program began, a 3.0 was

required for receipt of a HOPE scholarship, although any

student could attend technical school without the GPA

requirement. Students are given a tangible reason to

improve their grades, and the prospect of graduating from

college without incurring debt is beneficial to the student,

the student’s family, and the state’s economy.

Lowering the GPA requirement, as has been

suggested by some, would dilute the power of the program’s

incentive and would be prohibitively expensive. Tennessee’s

lottery scholarship program was touted as a means of

encouraging students to achieve, rewarding their achievement, and

keeping the best and brightest in our state, and I believe that

is what Tennesseans expect our HOPE program to do.

When Georgia’s HOPE began, it was restricted to

students with a family income of less than $66,000, and

the amount of money that a student received from a PELL

grant (federal aid for the truly needy) reduced the amount

of HOPE money available to that student. Further,

qualified students choosing to attend private institutions within

Georgia were granted only a $500 HOPE scholarship while

those who attended Georgia’s public colleges were granted

$3,000. Within a few years, as the Georgia lottery flourished,

the income cap and the PELL grant restriction were both

lifted. Also, students choosing to attend private colleges can

now receive a HOPE scholarship of $3,000 as well as qualify

for the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant of $1,045, for a

total of $4,045 per academic year.

I’m sure that Georgia would have preferred to begin

HOPE at the level at which it now exists, but the Georgia

Legislature understood that the lottery corporation and the

scholarship program had to be self-supporting and no cost to taxpayers.

It was paramount for Georgia, as it is for Tennessee, to be

fiscally conservative at the beginning of the lottery scholarship

program until it is clear what the revenue will be.

I am confident that Tennessee’s HOPE will be as

successful as Georgia’s and that the questions of income and

public or private institutions will be settled to almost

everyone’s satisfaction. The sooner that can be achieved, the

sooner Tennessee’s students will have HOPE.

Steve Cohen is a Democratic state senator from Memphis.