Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Killer Barbecue in “Delicious and Suspicious”


Released last week Delicious and Suspicious, the first in a series of mysteries revolving around Aunt Pat’s, a fictional Memphis barbecue restaurant.

The book is by author Elizabeth Spann Craig, writing under the name Riley Adams. Craig, a Georgia native who now lives in North Carolina, took the time to answer a few questions for Hungry Memphis.

Why a Memphis barbecue mystery?
Memphis has this incredibly rich culture of food, music, and Southern quirkiness that added up to the perfect setting. At Aunt Pat’s barbecue restaurant, I’ve tried embodying the fun and flavor of the town for my readers. Including recipes and food in traditional mysteries adds a real element of fun and local color for readers from all over the country. I’ve heard from mystery fans from all over America who are looking forward to a glimpse into Memphis.