Politics Politics Feature

Kurita Named Speaker Pro Tem; Haynes Survives Dem Caucus

State Senator Rosalind Kurita, who cast the deciding vote last week to unseat longtime Speaker John Wilder in favor of Republican Ron Ramsey, not only was named Speaker Pro Tem by Ramsey on Friday but kept her slot as chief recruiter of Senate candidates for the Democrats. Both she and caucus chairman Joe Haynes survived potential purge attempts…

State Senator Rosalind Kurita, who angered some Democrats when she cast the deciding vote last week to unseat longtime Speaker John Wilder in favor of Republican Ron Ramsey, not only was named Speaker Pro Tem by Ramsey on Friday but kept her slot as chief recruiter of Senate candidates for the Democrats.

Both she and caucus chairman Joe Haynes, who had issued an abortive challenge to Wilder,survived possible purge attempts when the Senate Democrats, meeting in caucus, deadlocked 8-8 Friday on the matter of forcing a reorganization vote.

Committee chairmanships announced by Ramsey were:

Finance: Randy  McNally, R-Oak Ridge,  

Commerce: Steve Southerland, R-Morriston

Eeducation: Jamie Woodson, R-Knowville  

State and Local Government: Bill Ketron,

Judiciary: Mae Beavers, R-Mtl Juliet  

General Welfare: Rusty Crowe, R-Johnson City

Environment: Tommy Kilby, D-Wartburg  

Transportation: Jim Tracy, R-Shelbyville  

Rules: Mark Norris, R-Collierville

Government Operations: Thelma Harper,
D-Nashville ;

Calendar: Raymond Finney. R-Maryville  

Joe Haynes, D-Goodletsville