Larry Brown, the coach who had the most success with Allen Iverson, did a radio interview recently in which he touched on the Iverson situation. (Found via True Hoop.)
A choice excerpt:
On if he thinks AI’s unwillingness to play a supporting role is hurting his chances of finding a team that will be a good fit for him:
“I think so, but he doesn’t think he needs to. Here’s what happened – when he thought about coming with me he said coach I don’t care if I start, you just give me an opportunity to start. And I said that’s fair. I hope I do that with all my players. But I told him that if he came with me, I have two guards sitting there and they would be unhappy, and I didn’t think that was fair. So when the Memphis situation came up, I looked at their roster. One, he made more money with them which I thought was a factor. And two, they just had Conley and Mayo and he was under the opinion that he would get a chance to start. Well, he missed all of training camp and I think that hurt. And then he was a little impatient. But the real factor was his family wasn’t with him. His family’s in Atlanta and I think they didn’t want to move to Memphis. And I think that was the major reason he wanted to leave.”