Hot for Posey
To the Editor:
The Flyer made my week with the “Hotties” article (February 10th issue). My favorite hottie, James Posey, was featured, and I was ecstatic to learn more about him. I have watched him since he joined the Memphis Grizzlies, and I love his demeanor on the court. He is a team player, and I’ve never seen him display cockiness, arrogance, or greed for the limelight. My co-workers, friends, and family laugh at me because I call him “my man.”
I am hoping that one day our paths will cross, so that I can tell him how much I admire his attitude on and off the court. The article increased my admiration for him, and I wish him all the best as his foot heals and he returns to the court.
Shaune Waller
The OC
To the Editor:
John Branston’s take on the O.C. Smith case (City Beat, February 17th issue) was outstanding — funny and cynical, yet insightful. Tell him to keep it up.
Jeremy Sorensen
Bumper Sticker Wars
To the Editor:
Regarding David Dean’s letter to the editor about his run-in with someone who didn’t like his “W” sticker (February 17th issue): Maybe if a lot more people drove “one of those little vegan-powered hybrid things,” U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians wouldn’t be dying in the fight for oil, er, “freedom” in Iraq. North Korea has a dictator and WMD, but we’re not fighting there. Is it because Bush and his cronies are only interested in spreading freedom in countries where there is lots of oil — and weak armies?
If the U.S. had spent all the money that’s gone toward the war in Iraq on research and development of alternative fuel sources, we might not even be fighting and dying there.
John Klettner
To the Editor:
“W: Still The President.” So says one of the newer versions of the “W” stickers appearing on automobile bumpers hereabouts. Well, it’s true that Mr. Bush is still the president, but many Americans don’t find this to be a reason for celebration. For me, it ranks in the “sad but true” category, like “Poverty: Still With Us” or “Limbaugh: Still a Blowhard.”
I must assume the folks who proudly display these “W” stickers are tickled pink by their man’s performance in office, so I challenge them to be a little more forthcoming about why they love the guy. Why isn’t there a Dubya bumper sticker with an LED display that automatically updates the number of Americans (more than 1,400) and Iraqis (probably more than 100,000) killed in an immoral war or tabulates the amount of U.S. taxpayers’ money poured down that drain (already more than $150 billion)?
How about a bumper sticker that acknowledges the administration’s wonderful human rights record: “Torture: The American Way” or “Abu Ghraib: No Worse Than a Fraternity Prank”?
Bush may well be the worst president in our history. If you’re happy to have him around for another term anyway, don’t be shy about telling us why!
B. Keith English
Tort Reform
To the Editor:
I am distressed that Tennessee legislators are once again considering tort reform.
Last week, I went to Washington, D.C., for a rally against tort reform sponsored by the Center for Justice and Democracy. During a forum, I listened as victims of medical malpractice and parents of victims of medical malpractice told their stories.
I wish that every Tennessee legislator could have heard what I heard. No one with a conscience could deny those victims and other victims of medical malpractice the wherewithal to make the best of a terrible situation.
A cap on pain and suffering would be devastating for the elderly, for children, and for parents who stay at home to care for their children. Who will provide for the most vulnerable among us who are victims of medical malpractice?
“Frivolous lawsuits” is a catch phrase popularized by President Bush. I can assure Tennessee legislators that what happened to the people I met last week was not frivolous.
Earlene Burney