Stanford Financial
Excellent, informative, and balanced article on Stanford Financial Group (“Bonfire of the Vanities,” February 26th issue). Your writers put it in perspective. It’s sad to add another scam to an already crippled economy.
Brad Champlin
Thanks, Chris!
I would like to thank Chris Davis for his fresh information. It is with great pleasure that I read his “rant” about WMSB 88.9 American Family Radio (The Rant, February 26th issue). I listen to the radio quite often and was not aware of the station. I think Davis was trying to be sarcastic, but that station is now going to be one of my favorites. My job requires me to work on Sundays, and therefore I cannot attend morning services. The station he was writing about is wonderful.
Thanks, Chris, for giving conservatives information that we possibly would have not known about. Great job!
David Thornhill
Chris Davis made the statement that “apparently, any new local and public-interest programming wouldn’t just be anti-free market and anti-democratic, it would be downright anti-Christian as well.” Davis is wrong on all three charges. Rather, federal government interference with the editorial practices of radio broadcasters is, despite using noble-sounding words like “local” and public-interest,” unconstitutional.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states, in part, that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.” This prohibition applies to both direct attempts to restrict political speech through legislation as well as indirect attempts to restrict political speech through regulations designed to change the content of AM radio programming and/or undermine the profitability of AM radio stations whose large audiences obviously prefer conservative talk programs.
It does not surprise me that the federal government is considering regulations designed to limit political speech coming from AM radio, because that speech is highly critical of the current, temporary officials of the federal government. But I am disappointed that a journalist would support such regulations.
Greg Webb
We Are Liberal. Who Knew?
How can you present your publication as in-depth on politics, when it is screamingly obvious that you only present a liberal point of view on everything? I used to pick up the Flyer every now and then, just to see what was going on, but now the only reason I pick it up is so that I can throw it away — in a regular trash can!
Many people do not share your views, and it would be nice to see those alternative views every once in a while. Like global warming: I’m not saying that we should go around burning trees all day, but the fact that they — and you — keep feeding us the lie about how carbon dioxide is heating the Earth is a crock.
They are purposely trying to confuse the American people of the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. We breathe out carbon dioxide, and then plants take it in and through photosynthesis create oxygen, which we need to live.
Please start trying to get other viewpoints into your publication, because otherwise it really is a joke. No wonder it’s free.
David Hardin
Editor’s note: What’s screamingly obvious is your total lack of understanding of the issue of global warming and the environmental threat posed by an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
On Fools
Someone once said something that helps us understand where we are today: “You can fool all the people some of the time.” That was accomplished during the run-up to the attack on Iraq.
“You can fool some of the people all the time.” Apparently, there will always be those who believes tax cuts are the sure cure for any and all of society’s ills.
“But you can’t fool all the people all the time.” After all, wasn’t Barack Obama elected president? It is fitting that the Republican Party’s symbol is a great big elephant, because right now it is doing a pretty good imitation of dead weight.
Ron Lowe
Nevada City, California
Editor’s note: And I believe it was W.C. Fields who said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time … and that’s enough to make a decent living.”