Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

Anderson and Dozier

What a great story by Frank Murtaugh about the dynamic University of Memphis duo: Antonio Anderson and Robert Dozier (“Winners,” March 5th issue). By staying in school for four years, these young men have managed to achieve something “one and done” players seldom do: the thrill of working and persevering to accomplish team goals — and graduating from college! Setting the all-time record for basketball victories in NCAA history is sweet icing on the cake.

No matter how the Tigers do in the Big Dance this year, Antonio and Robert will always have a home in Memphis — and in Tiger fans’ hearts.

Grace Monroe


The Governor and the Money

I disagree with your editorial “Take the Money, Governor” (March 5th issue). The governor would be right in not taking the money.

Does anyone remember the 10th Amendment to the Constitution? Whatever is not explicit for the federal government is reserved for the states. With financing comes control, and that destroys our separation of powers and state sovereignty. Use of federal money for unemployment benefits is not the role of the civil government. Defense of life and property are the main functions and supporting appendages thereof. Anything more than this is stealing jurisdiction from family, church, private business, charities, etc.

How do we pay this moneyback? The rich are taxed heavily, destroying incentives to create, invest, and buy. Printing paper money to pay it back steals from our purchasing power and is unconstitutional. Congressman Cohen wants Bredesen to “listen to his heart.” How can a subjective, arbitrary feeling compare to the truth of the Constitution?

Charles Gillihan


I totally agree with your editorial about Tennessee accepting the unemployment dollars provided in the stimulus plan. And I am happy Governor Bresden has agreed to do so.

What I don’t understand is why the feds found it necessary to get the states to agree to continue to pay this money forever in order to get this help for two years. It seeems to me the redistribution of wealth has begun already.

Lamar Bullard


James Brigance

I want to thank the Flyer for taking notice of the death (and life) of James “Brick” Brigance (“Brick Crumbles,” March 5th issue). His passing was sad, but his work lives on all over town. He will be missed.

Marcus Jones


Rush and CPAC

I was feeling a little down last week and needed a laugh, so I tuned in to watch Rush Limbaugh’s speech to the CPAC convention. I knew I could count on Rush. That anti-American windbag had me rolling on the floor. He actually believes what he says! Now I understand the phrase “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

He said, “We conservatives need to take our country back.” I would like him to explain “our” to me. It’s not “their” country. He said, “We got out of the recession of the 1980s with tax cuts.” Tax cuts for whom? He said, “Our beliefs are core, within the heart.” That scared me. It wasn’t funny anymore.

Since Ronald Reagan’s presidency, conservatives seem to be stuck on one plan: “The rich get richer and the poor get dead.” Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Ann Coulter are a bigger threat to this country than al-Qaeda. They can destroy us from within. Fortunately, Americans are not as stupid as this group of blowhards thinks they are. The last election proved that.

Booker Davis


Your Moment of Zen

I sure hope my “stimulus” check comes soon. I love spending other people’s money. It’s a liberal thing you Flyer people wouldn’t understand. Begging and bitching obviously does no good. So, you people have an opportunity to get it corrected. Yet, you keep on begging and bitching. And to compare yourselves to The Commercial Appeal is funny. They print every day. You do it once a week. Those who judge others will be judged, only with more harsh judging.

I guess it’s time for a career change for a bunch of Memphis Flyer employees. If not now, very soon. I know this much: It won’t be in journalism. Journalism is dying fast. Why? The ignorance of the writers and editors.

Jeremy S. Scruggs
