I loved being awarded “Best Haters” in Fly on the Wall (September 23rd issue). I got a kick out of it, especially after seeing the comments on that article. One small correction, though. I’m on the board of directors of Mid-South Pride, not the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center. I’m obviously a huge fan of MGLCC and all that they do. I just don’t want anyone to make any mistakes as to who’s associated with which group. Thanks again!
Jason W. Houston
Regarding John Branston’s test cruise on the oil-drenched Greenline bike path (Viewpoint, September 23rd issue), here’s what I’ve found in several attempts: traffic noises in many places from the parallel interstate; silent and heat-crazed bikers scarily passing; in-line skaters two abreast; joggers on their way to shin splints; moms with kids in strollers taking up the entire path; bugs; and that faint smell of wasted money and asphalt.
Why not an eco-friendly crushed-limestone path? Why not some courtesy? Oh, and by the way: It is not a trail. Trails are dirt and natural.
Bill Butler
I loved John Branston’s column.
I live right off of the Greenline, so my family spends a lot of time on it. I can’t wait to see how we grow with it. However, I would like to send a friendly reminder to the cyclists that this greenway is for pedestrians too! Twice in the last week, I had to take my 3-year-old off of it, not because there were bikes but because the cyclists weren’t acknowledging the pedestrians. Maybe you were taking out your frustrations from the years of being ignored as legit commuters in traffic?
I’m glad that folks are getting into the path. Now it’s time for us to show a few manners we wish we’d been shown by Memphis streetgoers.
See you on the trail.
Jessica Sumner
More Fear
After reading Patricia Pearce’s Viewpoint titled “Dispelling the Fears” (September 16th issue), I feel I must respond to her last paragraph. She admonishes the reader to “dispel the fears and ignorance that have permeated our recent national conversation,” which is a reference to what has been referred to as America’s “Islamaphobia.”
I would invite readers to learn all they can about the realities of Islam, which is more of a political system than a religion. If you believe that under Sharia law beating your wife, no democracy, no freedom to condemn or even question the doctrine, or no freedom of speech is acceptable, then I would assume the realities don’t scare you, or you are in denial. Also, all other religions have to be subservient to Islam under Sharia law.
If you don’t believe me, I suggest you visit and order a 48-page booklet titled Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, written by Dr. Bill Warner. It is a summary of the 1,200-page Koran that demonstrates how Sharia law applies to infidels. (By the way, I have no financial or any other interest in the sale of books on this site.)
You can’t take the word of the Council on American and Islamic Relations, because once you learn the truth about this group, you will see that they are taught to deceive the infidel.
I am amazed at the support Islam is getting in this country even though they are beating their wives here as well as around the world, stoning female adulterers to death, and executing homosexuals. Why are so many giving them a free pass? Do you think these are isolated incidents by a fringe group of Islam? No. This is taught in the handbook, and it is mainstream!
What is wrong with NOW and other organizations that are supposed to protect women’s rights? Is everybody too politically correct to speak out and confront this head-on? Is the Memphis Flyer too politically correct and fearful to publish this letter? Please, I admonish you to educate yourself and don’t believe the propaganda.
Finally, Ms. Pearce, it is much easier to ask for tolerance with this “religion” rather than finding out what it teaches and what drives its followers to the atrocities that permeate their society.
David L. Maxey
Midterm elections
The congressional midterm election seems to be shaping up nicely as a contest between the Idiots and the Cowards. America, choose your poison!
Jay Sheffield
encourages reader response.
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