In the March 24th issue of the Flyer, there was a ghastly misunderstanding concerning Cody Dickinson. This letter is to set the record straight. In the article (“Deep in the Heart of Texas”), Cody was quoted as saying, “I was on the road throughout the illness. It was tough.” This is a failure to communicate. Nothing could be further from the truth.
When Jim Dickinson had to be rushed to the hospital, Cody drove us. He spent the night in the emergency room with his dad. Two weeks later, when Jim’s heart stopped, I called Cody out of a recording session, so upset I could only say, “Your daddy, your daddy.” Twenty minutes later, I was in Cody’s arms as he comforted me. Cody was always there when I needed him. He and his brother, Luther, took turns spending the night with Jim during his last hours on earth, having precious, private moments with their father.
I share these painful personal memories to indicate the dismay that Luther, Cody, and I feel at the implication that Cody put his career above the welfare of his father. That did not happen. Jim loved his baby son, and Cody never let him down.
We thank the Flyer and other media for your kind, continuing coverage of the Dickinson family’s music. Best wishes to you and your readers. May God bless you. World boogie is coming.
Mary Lindsay Dickinson
Coldwater, Mississippi
(EDITOR’S NOTE: The quote in question referred to the reason for Cody Dickinson having to miss a recording session and to communicate the strain of juggling work and family.The implication that Dickinson was negligent during his father’s illness was in no way intended nor is it true. We regret any misunderstanding.)
A Common Theme
I’m no political scientist, but I have been detecting a common theme in Flyer political articles over the last few months. Our so-called two-party political system is completely broken. While we argue over chump change like NPR funding, our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president (whom I seem to have voted for a few years back) launches millions of dollars’ worth of cruise missiles into someone else’s civil war.
Whether you voted for Obama or McCain in 2008, ask yourself: Was your voice heard when our nation made the decision to begin another military conflict? There are horrible atrocities being committed by the governments and/or the citizens of the Ivory Coast, Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, and Mexico. Is there a logical explanation as to why we have not yet occupied or bombed those countries?
Our own cities, states, and country are completely out of money. We cannot help those who are less fortunate, because we are focused on pounding dictators halfway across the globe into rubble.
Operation Odyssey Dawn Unicorn Explosion or whatever has completely annihilated my support for “business as usual.” I will never again vote for a Democrat or a Republican unless they have a track record of supporting significant campaign financing reform.
This nation is falling apart because most politicians only serve two constituents: special interests and themselves. The status quo in D.C. is somewhat analogous to the competition of Pepsi versus Coke. Every two to six years, the Republicans and the Democrats high-five and then switch between owning 52.5 percent to 47.5 percent of the market share, while the American public struggles to survive on the sidelines and hopes someone occasionally throws some love our way.
Nathan DeYonker Memphis
It has been some time now since the Memphis International Solidarity Committee presented Congressman Steve Cohen a petition voicing our support for Egyptian Democratic rights, including a commitment to cut military funding should democracy fail in Egypt. Our petition called for reform of the old constitution, but this was a mistake.
Last week, Egyptians voted overwhelmingly to ratify their constitution rather than write a new one. The old regime and the Muslim Brotherhood formed a single political bloc, succeeding in leaving the worst corruption in place and opening the door for further tyranny.
It would be nice to hear some willingness to bring our money home from even one of these dictatorships abroad. It is no longer acceptable to see American tax money used to rob the people of their basic human rights.
Lelyn R. Masters
encourages reader response. Send mail to: Letters to the Editor, POB 1738, Memphis, TN 38101. Or send us e-mail at letters@memphisflyer.com. All responses must include name, address, and daytime phone number. Letters should be no longer than 250 words.