Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters To The Editor

Likes the Dick Story

I was googling my favorite author and found your story on the Philip K. Dick android (“Bring Me the Head of Philip K. Dick,” May 24th issue). Outstanding article! I have to wonder if that head is somewhere in someone’s attic dreaming of electric sheep

Seriously, cool stuff.

Bart Lucas

Kansas City, Missouri


One of the many things I love about my job as a senior account executive for the Memphis Flyer is the perks that come with the job. For example, as a representative of the Flyer, I had the honor of playing in the Collierville Chamber of Commerce golf tournament at Memphis National last week. When I arrived at the course, I found out that I was paired with none other than Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway. It was an honor to be in the presence of such a role model and a community giver. What he does for the city of Memphis and the way he gives back to the community words simply cannot describe.

The experience was like a quieter version of the HBO show Entourage: Penny takes the time to say hi, sparks up a conversation, and always has time for a photo. He also gave me some helpful tips with my golf game, as he is quite the talent, sporting a 3 handicap. And yes, he was our “A” player, carrying our team to an 8-under 64. 

I could go on and on, but I just wanted Flyer readers to know that I was honored to be able to play alongside one of our city’s heroes.

Chip Googe


Redlight District?

If city councilman Shea Flinn really thinks the idea of creating a redlight district for adult entertainment is going to fly in this hub of the Bible Belt, I’ve got some Facebook I’d like to sell him (The Fly-by, May 24th issue). It makes way too much sense to ever happen.

G. M. Phillips


Flying delta

Bruce VanWyngarden’s editor’s letter (May 17th issue) hit the nail on the head regarding Delta Airlines’ price-gouging of Memphis air travelers. I recently checked prices for a flight from Memphis to Las Vegas. Delta wanted $650 for a direct flight; it was $520 if I were willing to go through Atlanta. However, from Nashville through Memphis to Las Vegas on Delta was $224; from Little Rock through Memphis to Las Vegas was $220.

This is highway robbery in the skies! It’s not a secret that Delta is trying to edge its way out of Memphis. And their excuse will be that Memphis does not have enough travelers to justify keeping flights here. It’s a self-fulfilling scheme.

Where is the outrage — and the action — from our airport authority and our elected officials? Delta is not “doing” Memphis; it’s killing us.

Chip Parkinson


Islam is Violent?

Islam is not a religion of peace. It is and has been a religion of violence, vengeance, and conquest for 1,400 years. Western Civilization is at war with Islam. Saying that we are at war with terror or radical Islam or Islamic extremists provides decent American Muslims with a rationale to do nothing to fight against the jihadis and Islamic supremacists within their communities.

Our American Muslim community is at great risk. It is a great tribute to the tradition of tolerance of the American people that in the face of repeated Muslim atrocities, committed in the name of Allah, in the United States and worldwide, that acts of hatred or vengeance against American Muslims have been virtually nonexistent. It would be a sad day for America if this remarkable forbearance ever wore thin. Unless Muslims in America act to reform Islam, American Muslims risk becoming a pariah community.

If Islamic violence is to be stopped, and if our American Muslim community is to take its place in our glorious pluralistic public square, political correctness and religious sensitivity must be put aside, and we must openly acknowledge and declare that large segments of the Islamic world are at war with us in the name of Islam.

Robert I. Lappin

Swampscott, Massachusetts