Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

Memphis Animal Services

In response to Bianca Phillips’ cover story about Memphis Animal Services (“Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood,” April 4th issue): I recently adopted a puppy from Memphis Animal Services. I was hesitant to go there after all the bad press I had seen. However, the facility was very clean, and every person we dealt with was helpful and positive.

It was an emotional process, adopting a puppy. I wanted to take all of the animals home. The staff at MAS was outstanding every step of the way. I really hope others will reconsider what they have heard in the past and visit the facility and decide for themselves. Hopefully, the positive word will spread.

Jennifer Smith



I am writing in response to a letter from Robert Burns (April 4th issue). The letter was appropriately titled “Trashed,” and it criticized the appearance and sanitary conditions surrounding the Beale Street Landing project. Burns’ letter raised serious doubt in my mind as to the Riverfront Development Corporation’s (RDC) ability to handle a project of this magnitude. 

As a proud citizen of Memphis, I concur with Burns concerning this matter. Folks, wake up please! This project has been going on since 2008, and we, the citizens of Memphis, have sunk millions of dollars into it. Yet, the RDC has the audacity to give its CEO a raise and add insult to our wounds by adding a vice-president position at another $120,000 per year.

I say it is time for the citizens of Memphis to stop remaining silent, while our city leaders consistently sign us up to be ripped off. 

Anthony Chalmers


Jack Magoo’s

I was disappointed to read Randy Haspel’s Rant (April 11th issue), where he wrote so harshly about Jack Magoo’s. It isn’t fair to make a judgment like this without knowing both sides.

Brian Roper is probably a good man. I don’t know; I’ve never met him. However, everyone behaves badly at some point, so we should not assume that Roper is any different and was not at all at fault that night. His injuries do look terrible, but we do not know the whole story of how he got them.

The bartender who was arrested over this mess is one of the nicest people I have ever met. And I am appalled by the backlash against him, as well as the rest of Magoo’s staff, whom I have never seen mistreat any customer and who have always gone out of their way to make sure that I had a good, safe time.

Kathryn Grace


World-class Memphis

I recently attended three events in Memphis that I can truly characterize as world-class: the Midtown Opera Festival, the Church Health Center’s Healthy Communities, Communities of Faith conference, and Memphis Fashion Week.

The innovative leadership at Opera Memphis was clearly evident. They offered an array of new, fresh works, masterfully performed, along with community activities and partnerships. Opera is relevant again here, and Memphis is taking a bold leadership role nationally in making it so.

The Church Health Center conference drew more than 350 people, from Singapore to the Ukraine, who were interested in seeing this amazing model of Memphis social entrepreneurship expanded nationally and globally. The synergy of the participants and presenters from this four-day conference will be a catalyst for change well beyond our city limits.

The second annual Memphis Fashion Week showed brilliance in connecting our city and people with a different kind of creativity. Well organized and also seeking community partnerships, this event, too, should be a source of pride for Memphis.

Memphis is rife with opportunity for involvement and engagement and innovation in all sectors, from arts and entertainment to civic initiatives. Good things are happening around us, because many people have decided to make them happen. Let’s thank them and support them.

Ken Hall
