Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

Big Mouth Billy Bass?

I’m not sure if this has already been proposed for the new Bass Pro Shop at the Pyramid, but I’d like to humbly suggest that the plan for signage include at least one large Big Mouth Billy Bass animatronic fish, mounted near the top of the Pyramid. Songs that the fish would sing could be determined by a committee of city and community leaders but should include numbers by many of our favorite local artists.

Do you think they’d go for it?

Horgslien Jones


Racism in the Flyer

I read the Flyer as respite from the idiocy that comes from places like Fox News and The Commercial Appeal. Unfortunately, in your May 30th issue I found you slipping a bit. I refer to a letter to the editor by Donald A. Moskowitz, in which he states that “the Palestinians, like other Arabs and Persians, cannot be trusted.”

It’s one thing that he is an ill-informed bigot, but it is another that you deem his racist, inflammatory drivel fit to print. Your paper is usually above such. I doubt the letter would have been accepted if, instead, it stated, “Blacks, like Hispanics and Asians, cannot be trusted.” Or, putting the shoe on his other foot, “Israeli Jews cannot be trusted.” Is the Flyer, like others, getting numb to Middle East bashing, making it an acceptable form of free speech? Sounds like hate speech to me.

As for Moskowitz’s lack of faith in a two-state solution, I totally agree — as long as he and others insist that war is the only answer, it will be. It would take the unprecedented pressure of the U.S. withholding military assistance to really ever change the equation.(Hopefully, war-mongering will someday become a “generational issue,” like gay-marriage acceptance.)

Tm. Prudhomme


Fluoride Balance

We at the Mid-South Fluoride Free Coalition wanted to tell you how several of us inside and outside our community were so pleased with Louis Goggans’ article “Fluoridation Altercation” (June 6th issue).

It was as refreshing an example of balanced reporting of the fluoride issue as we have seen in a long time. We thank you for allowing your reporters enough autonomy to state the truth according to both sides so that your readers can make an informed decision. We see balanced reporting of truth becoming an exception rather than the rule in our world today. So big kudos to Goggans and your entire team. Keep up the great work.  

Daniel and Maria Phelps


Immigration Reform

The time has come for Americans, especially our senators, to support just and comprehensive immigration legislation. Our family values are in question if we do not prevent the breakup of immigrant families by deportations that separate spouses and parents from children. Our sense of justice is jeopardized if we are unable or unwilling to protect the rights of immigrant workers, all of whom have the right to just wages for their labor.

What purpose is served by holdups in the processing of immigrants already approved for residency in this country? A spirit of punitive legislation demeans us all and works against the general welfare of all. The common good seems to be forgotten or vilified or sometimes avoided for some perceived personal good on the part of those to whom we have entrusted governance in our nation.

Just immigration policy provides a clear and direct pathway to citizenship for the 11 million people who are undocumented in the U.S. Our Irish, German, and Italian ancestors found that pathway. Can we be so selfish as to deny it to others? The true American spirit springs from the soul of our nation. Therein we find generosity, openness, compassion, and even forgiveness. Let us maintain that spirit for our own good.

Gerald Bettice


Your Moment of Dagmar

What is all the brouhaha about the government checking people’s phones? I feel kind of flattered that they would be interested in anybody I would call. Am I really that important? Wow, how cool is that?

It’s like when my bills are late, and I get oodles of phone calls. It reminds me of when I was young and my phone was ringing off the hook. Somebody’s interested in me! Nowadays, when the bill collectors stop calling, I feel like I’m being ignored.

It’s good to feel important.

Dagmar Bergan

Helena, Arkansas