When we wrote about the return of live music this spring, the folks at Levitt Shell were already planning to bring back their much-loved Orion Free Music Concert Series, but there were no details. As Executive Director Natalie Wilson said at the time, “With the impact of Covid19, we can’t do our normal four nights a week, but we are coming back Friday and Saturday evenings in September, through the third weekend of October. We’re going to focus on supporting our local musicians this fall. And we pay our musicians at the market rate because we believe in not just presenting music, but also powering music. And that includes supporting our musicians and their livelihoods. It’s been our mission since the Shell was built in the 1930s.”
Furthermore, the Levitt Shell has some help this time around: the Memphis Black Arts Alliance.
Formed in 1982, the Memphis Black Arts Alliance is one of the oldest and most prominent African-American focused arts organizations in the city. Executive Director Lar’Juanette Williams is leading the charge to bring opening acts for the series.
“Though we’re still finalizing dates, we’re excited to bring acts such as Adajyo, the Memphis Jazz Workshop, Young Actors Guild, Caza Teatro, SubRoy Studios, and Kurl McKinney and Sons to name a few,” said Williams. “Memphis has always had a diverse wealth of phenomenal artistry. We are so very pleased to partner with the Levitt Shell to highlight and produce great local entertainment.”
The Shell’s plan was to fund the free music with the six ticketed events that have been happening at the shell since May. And now the fruits of that plan are to be harvested. Today, the Levitt Shell released its fall schedule, and it’s impressive — all the more so because, true to their word, they’re focusing entirely on local artists.

The caliber of these artists speaks for itself, but we’ll point out a couple of notable details that might not be apparent at first glance.
Many are asking, what is “Occupy the Shell”? It’s no less than an extravaganza of local hip hop, R&B and soul artists that should be on your radar, especially because the event is curated to help “musicians and recording artists facing difficulties imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Beginning at 4 p.m. on September 4, the event features these performers:
Tyke T – Hip Hop/Rap
Iron Mic Coalition – Hip Hop/Rap
D’Vonna Taylor – Neo Soul
Jakub Trunk – Hip Hop/Rap
J. Buck – Soul
Tha Kidd from Marz – Hip Hop/Rap
Mydes – Hip Hop/Rap
Moe Javi – Hip Hop/Rap
Trina Machelle – R&B/NeoSoul
Dee Jizzle – R&B
Jay DaSkreet – Hip Hop/Rap
Sumo Tre – Hip Hop/Rap
Juju Bushman – Soul
Bleu Boys – Hip Hop/Rap
Kiña del Mar – Soul/Gospel/Hip Hop/Rap
Courtney Terez – R&B
Jaeti – Hip Hop/Rap
Another event beginning in the afternoon, the Stone Soul Picnic, presents a similarly diverse array of artists, from gospel and soul, to world music, to the outright funk of the one and only Bar-Kays. You read that right: the Bar-Kays. For free. At 3 p.m. on September 18, the Shell is the place to be:
3:00 – 3:05 Devotion
3:10 – 3:20 Star Spangled Banner/Lift Every Voice – Cleveland
3:25 – 3:40 Mt. Moriah East Praise Team
3:45 – 4:00 Sierra Ward Pope
4:05 – 4:35 The Mellowtones
4:40 – 5:20 Take 2
5:25 – 5:55 Echoairs
6:00 – 6:20 Ekpe
6:25 – 6:50 Uncle Richard’s Puppets
6:55 – 7:25 Chinese Connection Dub Embassy
7:30 – 8:00 U-Turn
8:05 – 9:00 BarKays