Harvest Creative designer Michael Hildebrand is seeking submissions for a June art show of posters and prints with LGBT equality themes.
According to his post on the Memphis Loves Gays blog, Hildebrand is seeking silk screens, lithographs, etchings, serigraphs, woodcuts, and giclee prints with a theme on “the light & dark aspects of the desire for LGBT equality.” The use of photos and illustrations within the work is permitted.
Submissions should be mailed electronically to michael@killingclipart.com by May 15th. The art show is scheduled for June 24th from 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Harvest Creative (348 N. Main). Fifty percent of the money from the sale of each print will benefit the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community and the other 50 percent will go to the artist.
For more information (and links to examples of what Harvest is looking for), check out Michael’s post on Memphis Loves Gays.