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Light Opera


Just got the following release from the UrbanArt Commission:

As the University of Memphis moves its law school to Front Street in downtown Memphis, the Riverfront Development Corporation is building a pedestrian bridge that will span the length of Court Avenue to connect the law school to Confederate Park across the street. As part of the City’s Percent-for-Art program, UrbanArt is seeking an artist to create a lighting design to be applied to the bridge after the construction is complete.
With the bridge running parallel to Riverside Drive and Front Street, this lighting project will allow for the structure to become a Memphis landmark, reflecting across the Mississippi River and enhancing the Memphis skyline. Artists will be selected for the project based on previous experience with lighting projects. The art selection committee, made up of various local residents and arts administrators, is also looking for an artist who has experience with “green” lighting production, such as those projects with lower energy consumption and a longer lifespan.
Application guidelines are available from the UAC and at, and artists are encouraged to call the UAC with any questions regarding this project or the selection process. All proposals must be received by 4:00 PM on Friday, June 26, 2009.

Okay, you now have a head’s up on what is sure to be a topic of great interest — and controversy. Here’s my first question: If we’re talking about seeking a design that will become a “Memphis landmark,” shouldn’t we be giving those submitting their ideas a little more time than two weeks to come up with something?