Beyond the Arc Sports

Link Roundup

Back from a week-long vacation with limited internet time and access, I’m going to set the table with a bunch of Griz-related links before I wade back in with my own stuff:

On Ricky Rubio: This awesome, lengthy True Hoop post on Ricky Rubio is a must-read. Henry Abbott lays out all the issues surrounding Rubio, especially with an informed, even-handed examination of both the upside and downside of Rubio’s game.

Draft Express earlier last week brought some clarity to Rubio question with probably the best piece anyone’s written about Rubio’s posturing in relationship to the Grizzlies.

Trade Rumors:’s Chad Ford, reporting from the Chicago pre-draft camp, leads with a Clippers-Thunder rumor. This, of course, is unacceptable from a Grizzlies perspective. There’s no way the Grizzlies can let the Clippers and OKC pull off an homage to the old Chris Webber-Penny Hardaway deal, with Hasheem Thabeet as the Shawn Bradley of the scenario. (Yes, I think Thabeet will be a better pro than Bradley, but you get the point.) The Thunder coming away with Blake Griffin simply cannot happen. Also of interest is some not-for-attribution commentary from some NBA front-office people questioning Rubio’s NBA future.