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Livable Memphis Will Match Funding for Crowd-Sourced Projects on ioby

Citizens who crowd-source funding on for neighborhood improvement projects can gain additional match funding through a new grant from Livable Memphis.

The Green Up Memphis Match provides $33,000 in match funds to projects posted on, a national fund-raising site for citizen-led, community revitalization projects. Examples of recent successful fund-raising campaigns on ioby include equipment updates for Trinity United Methodist Church’s playground, movie nights at the Washington Bottoms Community Garden, and a rock garden at the “I Love Soulsville” mural at Mississippi and McLemore.

“The Green Up Memphis Match offers funding beyond the official city park — vacant lots, median strips, and community gardens are also eligible,” said Ellen Roberds, Memphis Action Strategist for ioby. “The process is approachable, accessible, and it’s doable.”

Those with project ideas who’d like to apply for Green Memphis Match money can do so here until February 8th. Fund-raising efforts for these projects will begin in March. 

Since ioby was introduced in Memphis in 2014, more than 150 locals have raised $422,000 through ioby to fund their projects. Most projects on the site are funded with budgets until $3,000.