Sports Sports Feature

Live-Blogging the Grizzlies!

As always, we appreciate The Commercial Appeal‘s laser-like focus on the major issues of the day — like whether or not to boo Pau Gasol at tonight’s Grizzlies game.

In the Saturday paper, we got …

As always, we appreciate The Commercial Appeal‘s laser-like focus on the major issues of the day — like whether or not to boo Pau Gasol at tonight’s Grizzlies game.

In the Saturday paper, we got a front-page tease, a full-frontal sports section treatment from Geoff Calkins (complete with pics of everybody from Santa Claus to Pavarotti to Britney Spears), a concern about the issue in Ron Tillery’s column, a mention of the issue again in the pregame box, and, to top it off, an editorial!

Geez. We here at the Flyer are overwhelmed. How do we fight back against such thorough team coverage? Well, here’s how, Buckaroos: We’re sending our intrepid Grizzlies writer Chris Herrington into tonight’s fray armed with only a laptop and his razor wit. That’s right — Herrington will be live-blogging the game! Turn off your radios and televisions and let Chris paint a magical word-picture using just his fingers and his imagination. What better way to enjoy the wonder that is this year’s Grizzlies? Check out Beyond the Arc for details.