Health-care defenders at the IBEW
Even as the possibility of Russian interference with American politics and government once again dominated attention in Washington, the latest effort to overturn the Affordable Care Act was also stealthily advancing in the nation’s capital. This week’s Flyer editorial concerned energetic local efforts to counter that prospect:
As the editorial begins: “It was a heck of a party, jammed to the rafters and brimming with overflow energy. The only problem was that the chief invited guests were a no-show, though no one was much surprised by that. We’re talking about last Saturday’s town hall on health-care at the IBEW union hall on Madison, sponsored by a generous assortment of local organizations devoted to the subject and dedicated to the preservation of the Affordable Care Act, currently under threat of elimination by a GOP-dominated Congress and a fellow-traveling tagalong President…..”
To read the rest of the editorial, go here.