Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Local Man Loves Big Star

Barry Duhatchet, local Big Star fan

  • Barry Duhatchet, local Big Star fan

Midtown resident Barry Duhatchet can not have a conversation lasting more than two minutes that does not include at least one reference to the band Big Star. Friends of the 35 year old architect are both impressed and annoyed by this situation.

“Look, Big Star was great, and it’s awesome that this city is so connected to it. But it’s out of control,” said Mary Maker, a friend of Duhatchet. “You can be talking about anything, and he finds a way to wedge Big Star into the conversation. Anything.”

Last week Duhatchet managed to link the George Zimmerman trial to Big Star’s song “The Ballad of El Goodo” with a barely noticeable segue.

“During the last election, Barry managed to compare Barack Obama and Mitt Romney with Alex Chilton and Chris Bell. It kind of made sense at the time, but after you got away from the conversation the whole thing was confusing. I just wish he’d chill out,” said Mindy Mork, one of Duhatchet’s coworkers.

Duhatchet was unavailable for comment, and calls to his voice mail (with a message containing portions of a recording of “September Gurls”) were not returned. Neighbors indicate he was probably camping out for tickets to Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me, a film he mentioned in response to a question he had been asked about school consolidation.